Fire Up Changemakers Program 2022
- English
- Türkçe
İstanbul Technical University Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center (İTU GINOVA), Bogaziçi University Entrepreneurship Center (BRIGHT) and Middle East Technical University Entrepreneurship Research Center (METU GIMER) teamed up to build a student-led community to create change on campus, focusing on fostering entrepreneurship and social innovation capabilities of the students.
The program has two components. In the first part, there will be a 6-week online training program which starts on March 16th, 2022. Students from these three universities (ITU, BOUN and METU) can apply to the program until March 12th 23:59. The program requires hard work and a commitment to learn and apply entrepreneurial skills. The program offers a blended learning environment with experiential exercises, online videos, reading materials and executional tasks for the participants. Students who successfully complete the first part will be awarded by a Fire Up Entrepreneurship and Innovation Certificate, issued by the Centers.
Those who complete the first part successfully will be invited to individual interviews and 12 successful students (four from each university) will be nominated for the Stanford University D-School Innovation Fellows Program. Students continuing the program will take the lead in activities that will develop the innovation culture on the campuses, under the guidance of ITU GİNOVA, BOUN Bright, and METU GIMER centers.
Apply for the Fire Up Changemakers Program for creativity, entrepreneurship, excitement, inspiration, exploration and innovation!
Information about the Stanford University Innovation Fellowship program can be found below: