ODTU GIMER Girisimcilik Sohbetleri (19/11/2015 17:45)

Barbaros OZBUGUTU (iyzico)

Toplanti ODTÜ İşletme Bl. G110 amfisinde yapilacaktir.

Kayit: gimersohbet27.eventbrite.com

Barbaros Ozbugutu BIO:

I have more than 15 years of experience in the global payment and telecom segment. At the end of 2012, i founded my own payment company in Istanbul. i am now acting as co-founder and CEO of iyzico, one of the fastest growing start- ups in Turkey. Iyzico is transforming the payment processing experience for businesses through its bank-integrated, fraud-protected payment platform tailored to the nuances of the Turkish market.

Son Güncelleme:
06/02/2022 - 22:34